Sales force
Dynamic application for sales force and reports adaptable to businesses.
This project aims to comprehensively improve the operations of companies dedicated to the export of food and raw materials. Key aspects addressed include: order management, user administration on the platform, integrations with external systems, report generation, dashboard creation, route tracking through maps, and various additional operational tools. My role as leader of the frontend development team included managing the project architecture, general organization, user interface development, and integration with the backend. In addition, I carried out specific implementations in essential modules, such as order management, integrations, and administration, contributing significantly to the success of the project.
For this project I implemented Clean Architecture, which allowed for a modular, scalable, and easy-to-maintain structure. I divided the work into three layers: the domain, which contains the core business logic; the infrastructure, which manages communication with the backend through repositories; and the UI, developed in React JS, where the framework is abstracted to ensure component reuse. This organization ensures independence between layers, facilitates future expansions, and maintains the integrity of the project over time.
I developed a fundamental modular integrations module that consists of two key parts: configuration and execution. Configuration allows setting the necessary parameters for integrations through an intuitive graphical user interface. Execution processes and transforms data coming from files such as Excel, CSV or TXT, as well as from databases, to store and organize them in the application database, ensuring an efficient and structured integration.
Other key modules I developed include the administrators module, which manages and configures database information through SQL queries or tables; the order management module, which handles all aspects related to purchase orders, returns, reasons for non-purchase, and collections generated by sales; and the maps module, which graphically displays the routes of sellers in various cities in Colombia, providing a clear and useful representation for logistics analysis.