Apolo UI

Reusable component library with system ui for react js.

Tailwind CSS

This project consists of a UI component library designed for building user interfaces in React JS. The initiative arose to meet the need for a coherent design system that could effectively manage diverse projects both visually and functionally. Apolo UI was built using advanced technologies such as React JS, Storybook, and Rollup, ensuring seamless integration and a robust development experience. I worked on this library in collaboration with a team of developers, and it includes a wide range of essential UI components such as inputs, buttons, modals, alerts, and more. This modular and adaptable approach allows developers to quickly implement consistent, high-quality interfaces in their projects.

Among the most notable components I developed in this library is an image gallery with interactive file upload functionality. This component is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also fluidly adapts to any resolution, ensuring a consistent visual experience across multiple devices. Additionally, I included a sophisticated dropdown component, which features a drop-down menu with smooth animations, designed using Framer Motion. This component offers multiple customization options, allowing developers to fine-tune its appearance and behavior to the specific needs of the project. Both components demonstrate the library’s ability to combine advanced functionality with an elegant, responsive design.

project 1
©joan joan rojas mejia
What a bastard weon ❋